HSC clients take top honours in 2009 H&H Webranking Survey

HSC clients take top honours in 2009 H&H Webranking Survey

Key clients of Hiring Solutions have received top honours at the inaugural “H&H Webranking GCC” survey conducted by online consultancy firm Hallvarsson & Halvarsson. The awards recognise leading organisations with the best online corporate presence.

Nicholas Lunt, Gulf Region MD of H&H’s sister company, M: Communications, says, “We realise that young professionals extensively use the careers section before deciding whether or not they would like to work for a company. This is why the careers section of a corporate website plays an important role when we rank the best performing corporate websites.

“The careers section of Zain, Depa, DP World and BSF (all Hiring Solutions clients) significantly improved their corporate website’s overall score. Zain and DP World in particular scored the highest in the careers section ranking for the GCC. These companies provide candidates with comprehensive information about career paths, publish regular vacancies with the possibility to apply online, and deliver information on compensation and benefits.”

James Padkin, Client Services Director, Hiring Solutions, says, “The results of H&H’s Webranking GCC Survey for 2009 reemphasises the fact that providing an exceptional candidate experience and improving your employer brand online is important. In a day and age when people prefer looking for career opportunities online, your website’s careers section is the first point of contact with quality talent. We are glad that companies like Depa, BSF and DP World, who have invested in dedicated career portals, are continually receiving due recognition.”

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